Reach Access Fund

Ethex is proud to be a Contact Point for the Reach Access Fund, a programme of investment readiness grants that helps charities and social enterprises raise investment. The programme is funded by Access – The Foundation for Social Investment and is open to organisations in England.

Being an Access Point Contact for the Reach Fund means that we can help and support you to apply for grants to the Fund for up to £15,000 to get your enterprise investment-ready.

We have now spent our current allocation of grant monies from the Reach Access Fund, so are not currently able to put organisations forward for this grant programme. We hope to be able to provide access to more grants from the Reach Fund in the near future.

Booster Fund Development Grants

The Community Shares Booster Programme is able to offer development grants to organisations that are looking to get support for their community share offer to achieve the Standard Mark. Applications to this grant pot can be made here.