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Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high - risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more

Hook Norton Community Land Trust

Affordable Housing - Community Shares

44% raised


Days left
Raised so far

Hook Norton CLT (HNCLT) is creating a unique development of community-led, climate-positive housing as a solution to the affordable homes and climate crises in Oxfordshire.

Affordable Housing

Min raise
Offer opened
Closing date
cycling race illustration

Hook Norton Community Land Trust
Society no. 8145
Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, UK
Incorporation date: 24 June 2019

Your money will…

  • Help combat rural homelessness by creating twelve permanently affordable homes in Hook Norton, where rents are increasingly unaffordable.

  • Tackle the climate crisis by creating climate-positive, energy-efficient homes, powered by their own microgrid.

  • Support the community-led-housing model that can be replicated around the UK as a viable approach to affordable housing.

  • Earn a potential return. Investments in the share offer target an annual return of 6%.

The bigger picture

Hook Norton is a village in Oxfordshire that’s experiencing rapidly rising house prices. Many local families and young people are being priced out of rental homes and this is leading to more people experiencing homelessness in the area. Hook Norton CLT has created innovative solutions to this housing crisis by:

  • Creating twelve community-owned permanently affordable homes, offered for rent and sale to local people at risk of homelessness.
  • Making the entire development is climate-positive by pioneering the UK's smallest group of homes powered by its own renewable energy microgrid. 
  • Developing homes to the highest energy efficiency standards, saving residents money on energy bills and lowering carbon emissions.
  • Supporting Hook Norton's strong sense of community by creating shared buildings within the development for local use.

What your money will do

Your Investment in Hook Norton CLT will :

  • help fund the completion of twelve affordable community-owned homes at the formerly overgrown Bourne Green site in Hook Norton.
  • provide twelve families with quality, affordable and energy-efficient homes, that will be powered independently of the national gridf or around six months each year.
  • enable HNCLT to develop a model of community-owned and run housing, offering local people a brighter future.
  • provide a blueprint for other community housing developments to become climate positive and energy efficient.


Hook Norton CLT (HNCLT) is creating a unique development of community-led, climate-positive housing as a solution to the affordable homes and climate crises in Oxfordshire.

Cathy Ryan


Cathy lives in Hook Norton and works as Community Engagement Manager at Low Carbon Hub, Oxford, supporting over 40 low carbon community groups across Oxfordshire. She led the community engagement on the HNCLT housing project. She is motivated by the inequality in the housing crisis and how it disproportionately affects young people and families on low incomes. She worked for many years as a theatre designer, involved in diverse projects from community operas with inner city primary school children to designing forum theatre productions with groups of people experiencing homelessness in London.

Fiona Brown

Vice Chair

Fiona works as the Communities Lead at Collaborative Housing providing front-line support to community-led housing groups across the Thames Valley. She has over 35 years’ experience in the development and management of affordable housing working within housing associations and local authorities. She is an accredited CLH Advisor through the Institute of Housing and lives in Chipping Norton.

Charlie Luxton


Charlie lives and owns an architectural design practice in Hook Norton. He became a Director of the project once he had completed the design contract as he had been so heavily involved in the community engagement and design work and was passionate about seeing it through. As well as running his design practice, Charlie writes and presents a number of television programmes on buildings and design and gives talks on all aspects of the built environment and sustainability.

Tim Lunel


Tim moved to the village in 1994 and at that time people working at the primary school, The Brewery and the many trades needed by the village were all just about able to buy or rent a home in the community. This is no longer the case. Tim wanted to help form HNCLT to build 12 Passivhaus affordable homes as a template demonstrating the possibilities to build sustainably and in a way that benefits local communities. He is an experienced Chair, Non-Executive and Managing Director with a demonstrated history of working in the environmental sector and holds an MBA from London Business School. 

Andrew Bowen

Board Member

Andrew moved to Hook Norton in 1980 where he served as Head Teacher of the local primary school, which was housed in the old prefabricated rural secondary school building. Over the next few years, he was heavily involved in ensuring that the replacement school building was built to serve the whole community. During this time, he became aware of how important it was to ensure that the village had affordable houses to prevent further loss of indigenous village families and joined HNCLT to support this aim. 

Max Fontana-Revel

Board Member

Max moved to the area two years ago, and has a background as a Business Executive across sectors including design, manufacturing, e-commerce, IT, investment and blockchain. Max noticed that Hook Norton is a leading light in the area, in providing community projects and services to locals, and would like to do what he can to encourage this. He was keen to join the HNCLT Board to aid these local projects, alongside learning more about the community.  

Richard Brown

Board Member

Richard has lived in Oxfordshire for most his life. He moved to Hook Norton in 2021, was married there, and his youngest child attends the village nursery. He has a background in the operational management of complex, public-facing buildings and has worked for a variety of outsourcing companies. He currently manages the facility operations for a prominent University. He joined the HNCLT board in 2023 to use his experiences to support local initiatives, and to be more involved in the village and assist in the running of long-lasting community-led facilities. .

Annabel Shawcross

Board Member

Annabel moved to Hook Norton five years ago but lived just outside the village for 16 years. Her three children went to both playgroup and the primary school and Annabel is an active member of many village groups. Annabel runs her own online gift business but before moving to Oxfordshire was New Media Communications Manager at the NSPCC, specialising in young people-facing communications, so has first-hand knowledge of the issues facing young people trying to find their way in the world, housing being a prime concern.

Anne Tutt

Board Member

Anne has lived in Hook Norton for more than 20 years. She is passionate about supporting the community and ensuring the village has sustainable, affordable housing for the future. Anne has extensive finance and governance skills. She is a qualified Chartered Accountant with more than 30 years’ experience of board membership as both an Executive and Non-executive Director. She is a member of Council at Swansea University and a trustee / advisor to three charities. Until recently, she was Vice Chair of Oxford University Hospitals, which runs the Churchill, Horton and John Radcliffe hospitals and the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre.

Team member

team position

Richard has lived in Oxfordshire for most his life. He moved to Hook Norton in 2021, was married there, and his youngest child attends the village nursery. He has a background in the operational management of complex, public-facing buildings and has worked for a variety of outsourcing companies. He currently manages the facility operations for a prominent University. He joined the HNCLT board in 2023 to use his experiences to support local initiatives, and to be more involved in the village and assist in the running of long-lasting community-led facilities.

Team Member Name 11

Team Member Position 11

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Team Member Name 12

Team Member Position 12

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Interest accrual and payment

Interest payments begin from year three onwards which will be credited annually as additional share capital.

Getting your money out

Shares are not transferable and withdrawing of share capital is subject to agreement by the board. Shares cannot be withdrawn in the first five years except in case of death or exceptional circumstances.

Investing on behalf of children

Applicants must be 18 years old or more to participate in this offer.
Investments can be made on behalf of children at the end of the Ethex order process.

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