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A social impact investment that's raising the bar

If Lord Sugar invested in a gym business, why not go one better and invest in a gym that is creating huge social impact?

If you saw the final episode of this year’s Apprentice, you will have seen Alan Sugar make a sizeable investment into a boutique gym business. And if Lord Sugar can do it, you can go one better and invest in an inclusive community-focused gym business that is creating vital social impact too. The Project PT currently owns one successful gym in Oxford and runs many fitness–based social outreach programmes for vulnerable young people. However, investments in their IF ISA bond offer will enable them to expand and do much more.

A healthy investment?
On our recent webinar chat with The Project PT founders, Ajaye and Alexa, one participant asked about the profitability of gyms, and they explained that they have turned the basic concept of gym membership on its head. Most gyms rely on 30% of their membership not showing up, meaning they have a large member turnover and high marketing costs. The Project PT works hard to encourage every member to turn up to the gym and achieve their goals. 

By maximising member retention, The Project PT cuts back on their marketing costs, but they also see a high referral rate for new members and, importantly, buy-in to additional products. Programmes and courses from their loyal members. This highly successful business model has led them to look to expand the business and with the funds raised from the investment, they plan to open three more gyms across Oxford so they can increase their reach to more people who might normally never attend a gym or reap the benefits of fitness training.

A gym for all
The Project PT is committed to creating a friendly and inclusive community within their gym. They are overturning the toxic gym culture that focuses on looks, instead, people of all ages and abilities are welcome to find fitness programmes that work for them. The gym also creates a sense of community, helping people connect and providing a safe space for anyone who wants to discover the physical and mental benefits of training.

They run a number of dedicated programmes, workshops and classes that focus on specific areas like back pain, menopause, nutrition and running training. These added extras help people overcome their barriers to fitness and experience friendship and fun in a non-threatening environment.

The added social impact
But the gym is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the positive social impact The Project PT is creating. They are committed to reaching as many vulnerable young people as they can with their social outreach programmes that help kids and teens discover empowerment, self-worth and new confidence through fitness.

A 2023 report found that tens of thousands of children and young people are at risk of being exploited across the UK, groomed, coerced and threatened into a life of violence, criminalisation and abuse. The Project PT has designed programmes specially created to reach young people who are most at risk of child criminal exploitation to learn how exercise can improve and shape their future, teaching vital life skills, gaining them qualifications and offering work experience. They currently run 14 social impact programmes, demonstrating ongoing success in making a positive impact on young lives. 

Take the example of Manuel, a young person who had such serious social and confidence issues, that they hadn’t left their home in two years. Severely lacking in self-esteem, Manuel started The Project PT’s Lift YOuth Programme, overcoming extreme shyness and nerves. Within a few sessions working with Manuel, the team saw a huge uplift in their confidence and motivation. Manuel has since completed their Level 1 boxing qualification and now expresses excitement and joy when talking about life. Manuel has started to attend school, a huge step in a very positive direction and just one example of the real difference The Project PT are making to the lives of young people.

Be a part of a positive movement
This vision of building a movement rather than just a chain of gyms is part of the pioneering seven-year vision of Project PT.  With their three new gyms in Oxford, they will attract over 2,000 members, and expand the social impact programme to reach over 1,000 vulnerable young people. Their success will have a knock-on effect on the local community and economy, as the gyms will employ up to 50 people who will be encouraged to grow and attain further training and qualifications. 

Thanks to the success of their gym business, The Project PT can keep extending its vital social impact work. But there is an urgent need for more, and your investment can help them reach more vulnerable and at-risk young people. The great news is that the share offer has passed its minimum investment raise of  £150,000, but there is still time for you to join the community of investors and get them to their target of £350,000. Check out their profile page here.


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